Vol. 47 | No. 2 | July-December 2019 Back

Open Access

Association of Blood Pressure Patterns with the Clinical Profile of Patients at St. Luke’s Medical Center Quezon City


INTRODUCTION: Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring (ABPM) is useful for the assessment of hypertension and nighttime blood pressure (BP) patterns. This study aims to determine the prevalence of abnormal nocturnal BP patterns among Filipinos and its associated risk factors.

METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of patients (n=304) who underwent ABPM. Age, sex, BMI (≥25 kg/m2 ) hypertension, diabetes, smoking, lipid profile, creatinine, fasting glucose, previous MI and stroke were recorded. The degree of relationship of clinico-demographic factors with dipping and non-dipping BP patterns was determined.

RESULTS: Assessing for risk factors associated with abnormal nocturnal BP, only age (55 years, p=0.009) and diabetes (27.22%, p=0.038) were statistically significant. Age was a significant predictor of abnormal nocturnal BP, explaining 1.69% in the variation of nocturnal BP pattern (p=0.008). For every one-year increase in age, the odds of an abnormal nighttime BP pattern increase by approximately 2.5% (p=0.009).

CONCLUSION: There is a statistically significant association of age and diabetes with dipping and non-dipping BP patterns.

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