Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts, figures, tables, photographs and references should be submitted (including legends and footnotes). Manuscripts should be emailed to in MS-Word format. Photos should be submitted in PDF, JPEG, TIFF or PNG format.
General Guidelines for Submission of Research
1. Manuscripts must not exceed 5000 words (including references and legends).
2. The manuscript should conform to the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (updated 2019).
The authors of the papers are responsible for the accuracy of all data and concepts expressed. Only workers who have contributed significantly in the conduct of research and its report should assume authorship of the paper. Other colleagues who have assisted may be recognized in the section for acknowledgement.
This should include why the article merits publication and the section the authors wish to place the article.
The first page should contain the title, subtitle (if any), author(s), degrees, fellowship positions, or academic rank, hospital or academic institution, and necessary acknowledgment of financial support. The full name, postal address, telephone and fax numbers of the author to whom communications, proof and requests for reprints may be sent should also be indicated.
The use of abbreviations should be minimized and confined to tables only; non-standard abbreviations must be accompanied by legends. Standard abbreviations such as LVH, CAD or MI may be used after the terms are spelled out once each in the abstract and text. Generic names of the drugs are preferred; trade names may be given at the end of the paper or in the acknowledgement.
Authors should provide, and identify as such, 5-8 key words or short phrases that will assist a researcher in identifying an information material. This will likewise, assist the user in cross-referencing the article especially in an electronic format (i.e., CD-ROM). Key words may be derived from terms commonly used in the article relevant to the subject. Terms from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) list of Index Medicus should be used. For terms not recently included in the MeSH, present terms may be used.
The author’s abstract must be typed at the beginning of each article after the title page. It must contain the objectives, methods, results and conclusion and key words and must not exceed 250 words. It must be self-explanatory without resource to the text, abbreviations, footnotes or references.
The introduction should briefly state the objectives of the study. It should not include extensive review of the literature.
This section should be clear and detailed enough so that the reader can understand it without studying the references directly. Well-accepted research methods may be referred to for further clarification of the study design. It should also be stated that the study conforms with institutional and other applicable protocols and guidelines.
Precise presentation of results is imperative. Table and figures which are essential for a better understanding of the text, may be used. They should have brief descriptive titles and should be numbered as they appear in the text.
The discussion should focus on the study being reported and should not include a general review of the topic. This section should interpret and highlight the relevance of the results and contain a brief discussion of the limitations of the study.
The authors may indicate all proper acknowledgments following the discussion. This should be limited to 100 words.
References are to be cited consecutively in the text as superscript numbers. At the end of each article, references should be listed consecutively at the order of numerals as they appear in the text. The form of references should be as follows:
For journal articles: surname and initials of author(s). title of article, name of journal, year; volume number, page thus:
1. Tupasi TE, Kanekiao O. Velmonte MA. Streptococcal surveillance in the school population: The asymptomatic carrier. Philipp J Cardiol 1977; 5:144.
For books: surname and initials of author(s). title and subtitle, edition, city, publishing house, year; page, as specific references, Thus:
2. Friedberg CK. Disease of the Heart (3rd ed) Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company, 1966; p. 25.
For articles in books: surname and initials of author(s). title of article, chapter number (if any), title of book, edition (other than first), editor, city, publishing house, year; page. Thus:
3. Cury PVL. Fundamentals of arrhythmias-modern methods of investigation (Chap. 3). In Cardiac Arrhythmias: The Modern Electrophysiological Approach. Krickler DM, Goodwin JE cda. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company Ltd. 1975; p. 39.
References to press articles must state the name of the journal.
Footnotes must be minimized and should be typed at the foot of the appropriate page and separated from the text by a line. Tables should be typed on separate sheets with the corresponding numbers and titles. Symbols for unites must be confined to column headings. All data should be checked for accuracy.
Captions or legends of figures should be typed consecutively on a separate page.
Checklist for the Author
• Cover letter (should include section for which manuscript is submitted)
• Copyright transfer statement signed by all authors
• Original article
• Title page
• Structured abstract, 250-word maximum
• Text (including Methods, Results, Discussion)
• References
• Illustrations
• Tables
• Informed consent to publish patient’s case and photographs
Case Reports
These should include a written informed consent from the subject and is limited to 6 text pages and 20 references. An abstract is not required.
State-Of-The-Art Review (by invitation)
State-of-the-Art Reviews are articles by invited authors which aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the current and emerging scientific evidence in a particular topic in cardiology. The review also presents a critical assessment and appraisal of the scientific literature about a subject or issue, as well as new perspectives on a given topic by the author.
Word limit for State of the Art Reviews is 4000 words. Structure must include Title, Abstract, Body Text, Conclusion, References and Acknowledgement.
Perspectives Article (by invitation)
Perspectives articles are written by invited authors focusing on a research topic of high interest in which the author's perspective provides insights on key findings in research and current trends and developments in cardiovascular science. The author can also present viewpoints and opinions on current topics in line with his/her area of expertise.
Word limit for Perspectives articles is 4000 words. Structure must include Title, Abstract, Body Text, Conclusion, References and Acknowledgement.
CV Images
Articles describing and discussing interesting images in cardiology may be sent for publication. Images may include any image of diagnostic procedures in cardiology, including electrocardiographs, echocardiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, angiography, etc. Images sent must be high quality. Articles which will include a short description, and discussion should not be more than 1000 words, and must include appropriate references when needed.
Letters/ Reader’s Comments
The Editor encourages the reader to send comments regarding articles published in the PJC limited to 500 words. It should include why the letter should be published and the writer’s full name and city. The letter regarding a particular article should be received within 2 months of its publication.
Twenty-five reprints are given free to senior authors of this journal. Additional reprints will be furnished to contributors when ordered in advance. An order form showing cost of reprints, is sent with proofs. Individual reprints of an article may be obtained by writing directly to the author at the appropriate address.