Editorial Policies
The Philippine Journal of Cardiology publishes scientific papers and communications pertinent to cardiology and allied fields. These include basic research and clinical papers, case reports, articles on fundamental cardiovascular principles and reviews on recent developments in cardiology. Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief at the above address.
Manuscripts accepted for publication may be edited as the editors deem necessary and the copyright of the manuscripts becomes the property of the publisher. No part of any article or communication published in the journal may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher.
Statements and opinions expressed in articles and communications herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editors and the publisher disclaims any responsibility or liability for all published materials.
Exclusive Submission/ Publication Policy
The PJC accepts manuscripts with the understanding that they are not being considered or published elsewhere except as an abstract. A copyright transfer agreement signed by all authors should be submitted with the manuscript.
All studies must comply with prescribed institutional and national guidelines for the ethical conduct of research work. Subjects should have written informed consent.
Conflict of Interest
Authors are also requested to indicate sources of research grants and any possible conflict of interest related to equity holdings of the sponsoring corporation or agency.